For decades cyclists have spent time meticulously lining up a speed/cadence sensor with its corresponding magnet. We said enough is enough. Those minutes are better spent crushing Strava segments than crouched in the corner of the garage fidgeting with a tiny magnet.
Simply install the battery, orient the sensor to program it for speed or cadence, and mount it on either the non-drive side crank arm or the bike’s hub, front or rear will do. Our low-profile Magnetless Speed or Cadence sensor harnesses the advances in accelerometer technology to leave the magnet in the dust – along with your competition.
- Can be programmed for speed or cadence.
- Easily attaches to crank arm or hub.
- Dual band Bluetooth Smart and ANT+ compatibility.
- Low profile design with no magnet required.
- Can be programmed for speed or cadence.
- Easily attaches to crank arm or hub.
- Dual band Bluetooth Smart and ANT+ compatibility.
- Low profile design to fit a wider range of bicycles.
- Uses an accelerometer to acquire data; no magnet required.
- Battery: Coin cell CR2032
- In the Box: three bands, one coin cell battery, battery, rubber backing, speed/cadence sensor.
- Connectivity: ANT+ & Bluetooth SMART
- Firmware Updates: Bluetooth Over the Air (OTA)
- Light Indicator White (SPEED), Green (CADENCE)
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